Avis Important - Important Update
Cher Participant,
Nous regrettons de vous informer qu'en raison de circonstances imprévues, le REFA SITE 2024, initialement prévu le 6-7 novembre 2024 à Tunis, a été annulé.
Malgré tous nos efforts pour faire avancer l'événement, des développements logistiques insolubles ont rendu impossible sa tenue.
Nous comprenons la déception et les inconvénients que cela peut causer, en particulier si près de l'événement, et nous nous excusons sincèrement pour toute perturbation que cela pourrait causer. Nous apprécions profondément le temps et l'engagement que vous avez déjà investis pour soutenir le REFA SITE 2024.
Soyez assuré que nous travaillons à remédier à l'impact de cette annulation et nous vous fournirons plus de détails sur les prochaines étapes, y compris les processus de remboursement pour les participants et les commanditaires, le cas échéant.
Une fois de plus, nous nous excusons pour cette situation malheureuse et apprécions votre compréhension. Nous nous engageons à maintenir des lignes de communication ouvertes pendant cette période et sommes disponibles pour toute autre question ou préoccupation. N'hésitez pas à nous contacter par e-mail info@afsiasolar.com et nous nous efforcerons de vous répondre le plus rapidement possible au fur et à mesure de cette évolution.
Dear Delegate,
We regret to inform you that due to unforeseen circumstances, REFA SITE 2024, originally scheduled for 6-7 November 2024 in Tunis, has been cancelled.
Despite our best efforts to move the event forward, unresolvable logistical developments have made it impossible to hold it.
We understand the disappointment and inconvenience this may cause, particularly so close to the event, and we sincerely apologize for any disruption this may cause. We deeply appreciate the time and commitment you have already invested in supporting REFA SITE 2024.
Please be assured that we are working to address the impact of this cancellation and will provide you with more details on next steps, including refund processes for participants and sponsors, if applicable.
Once again, we apologize for this unfortunate situation and appreciate your understanding. We are committed to maintaining open lines of communication during this time and are available for any further questions or concerns. Please feel free to contact us via email info@afsiasolar.com and we will endeavour to respond as quickly as possible as this evolves.
Renewable Energy Forum Africa (REFA)
is the annual investment forum to support and promote investment in renewables on the African continent.
The conference will be colocated with SITE - Salon International de la Transition Energetique, attracting more than 100 exhibitors from the Tunisian and global power industry showcasing their latest products and solutions.
This 3rd edition of REFA will be held in Tunis on 6 & 7 November 2024 and is organized by AFSIA, CSPV, MESIA and SolarPower Europe. The event is supported by GET.invest, a European programme that mobilises investment in renewable energy, co-funded by the European Union, Germany, Norway, the Netherlands, Sweden and Austria.
Building on the success of prior events, this new edition promises to bring even more experts together, address more topical discussions and allow for more unparalleled meeting opportunities in Tunis on 6 & 7 November 2024.
REFA is the ultimate place to meet for all renewable energy stakeholders of the African continent bringing under one roof institutional and private investors, project developers, policy makers, energy utilities, regulators, corporates and the most influential energy sector decision makers.

The forum will once again focus on 2 key aspects:
1) Propose the most up-to-date content and discussions on all key renewables including solar, green hydrogen, e-mobility, wind, geothermal, hydro, storage, ...
2) Foster quality meetings for all delegates through the state-of-the-art match-making platform